Various ways of encircling silk scarves, what kind of encircling


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Various ways of encircling silk scarves, what kind of encircling method has temperament - Yue Timei

2022-02-06 15:43:35 

There are many kinds of scarves and scarves, including wool scarves, cashmere scarves, silk scarves, etc. Different scarves feel different, and different scarves have different ways of wrapping them. Someone asked us about the various ways of wrapping cashmere scarves. What are the various enclosures?

Various ways of encircling silk scarves

The sizes of silk scarves are different, so how should the scarves of different sizes be wrapped? How to wrap a silk scarf to look good? Let's take a look at all kinds of silk scarves!

From the physical point of view, the various ways of encircling the scarf, what kind of scarf, what kind of encircling method is used, and what effect will it produce? Then, let's first look at the 90*90 square scarf, which is the 90 square scarf we often say. The size is to choose the neck scarf! Not to mention the change, even if it is a simple encirclement method, it still has a different feeling, because this product itself is a kind of charm, so no matter how you encircle it, you will have a feeling of your own!

真丝围巾Various ways of encircling silk scarves

There are also 52*175 scarves. These types of scarves have a variety of ways, most of which are these two ways, one is hung around the neck, and the other is used as a shawl!

Neck: This method of encircling is relatively simple, simply hang it on the neck, and that's it, or hang it on the neck to surround one end, one in the front and one in the back! The simple shape is also more temperament! Therefore, we can choose this method!

Shawl: This way is simple to wear on the body, it can be worn on the body or draped over the shoulders, simple and elegant! This method of encircling is also a familiar one, and it is also a common method of encircling scarves!

Various ways of encircling silk scarves

Various ways of wrapping, in addition to silk scarves, other scarves also have different ways of wrapping, which way do you like? Leave us a comment and let us see what your favorite enclosure looks like!

Various ways of encircling silk scarves


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