Crimson cashmere scarf, a factor in the price increase of cashmere——Yetimei|风暴纺织动态|真丝围巾|真丝丝巾|羊绒围巾|围巾品牌|广东风暴围巾厂家定制
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Crimson cashmere scarf, a factor in the price increase of cashmere——Yetimei

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扫一扫!Crimson cashmere scarf, a factor in the price increase of cashmere——Yetimei扫一扫!
浏览:- 发布日期:2021-10-30 16:48:27【

I dont know how other friends are doing. The weather in Zhejiang now is a bit colder. Colleagues and friends around me wear scarves to keep warm. Recently, some customers will choose to consult our crimson cashmere scarves and hope to sell them in winter!

Now, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Inner Mongolia is in a closed state, and with the introduction of the national electricity curtailment policy, the output of the manufacturing industry may not be as smooth as before. For example, in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, the introduction of the curtailment policy has some impact on us, but in terms of delivery, we are also doing our best and constantly adjusting! Committed to punctual delivery, no missed delivery! So we say that crimson cashmere scarves are more popular in winter. According to this, this winter may be colder than last year, so crimson cashmere scarves should be easier to sell this winter!

However, the editor also wants to remind everyone that the price of this year's crimson cashmere scarf may be equivalent to last year's price. Why did you say that? Due to the introduction of the above-mentioned power restriction policy and the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, cashmere raw materials have risen, and the price is higher than last year, so the overall price of cashmere scarves will also rise this year! So how the price of the red big cashmere long scarf will rise in the later period depends on the current changes!

Crimson cashmere scarf, if you want to know other consulting friends, you can comment and leave a message!